Standing in line, waiting. It suddenly hit me, the anonymity of convenience. What used to be a meeting point, and everybody knew at least somebody, has become just another place you visit. A place to make a brief deal. To satisfy your urges. Your addictions. Sugar. Coffee To Go. Nicotine. Alcohol. On the spur of the moment instant satisfaction is guaranteed.
But where are the stories, where is the human interaction. Shouldn't I be writing a book about the four lives reflecting so many different truths, hopes and feelings in this store?
I hope that pictures captures part of this.
These shots and other photography of mine are available through Dispatch Press Images for publication.
Photographer, Journalist, Blogger, Music Business Consultant, Cook & Baker, Lover - my eyes, my world
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Contemplating The Day
My friend's daughter Alma Ruth just woke up from her afternoon nap. Her momma just fed her some yogurt. Still not fully awake, a bit groggy, she's contemplating the day and probably thinking what this guy is doing with a camera. This will always be one of my favorite portrait shots.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Study In Rust II
I like rust and it's decaying beauty. Often The oxidizing makes for some really beautiful discoloration and delivers an almost abstract sense of morbidity and attractiveness.
This is a detail part of an oil rig. Left and abandoned, weathering away in North Texas.
Technology Training
The gossip factory is working overtime. Will the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus see the light of day on 9/7, will CEO Tim Cook lift the veil, what about the design and all the features. Leaks are already talking about a dual-camera, a new operating system IOS 10 with 75 new features and changes. And if you're lost you will have to go back to training to use tomorrow's technology today.
These shots and other photography of mine are available through Dispatch Press Images for publication.
Friday, August 26, 2016
The Sun Set On The Sunset Motel
Monahans, Texas is the self-proclaimed "Oasis of the West Texas Desert" according to the official website of this small West Texas town, between Odessa and El Paso. Oasis may take it over the top, but due to the oil and gas boom, the town in the middle of nowhere is actually thriving. To rent a home in a trailer park, you will be paying as much as for a closet apartment in New York City. Big hotel chains are moving in, but Roger Miller may be out of fashion: "two hours of pushing broom, buys an eight by 12 four-bit room."
But the boom didn't come early enough, the Sunset Motel is a casualty and only a decaying rusting sign being a reminder that old US Route 80 once ran through the "oasis". By now the stretch through town is called Business Loop I-20 or simply Sealy Avenue. Calling it a loop is kinda funny, as I-20 is looping around Monahans to the south.
By the end of 1992, the motel was still open for business, even Hollywood thought of it as a fine location and used it in the movie "Flesh & Bone" with Dennis Quaid, Meg Ryan, James Caan, and Gwyneth Paltrow. IMDb knows that the hotel was then "owned and operated by Doris Barker. Daughter Jeanie Barker Scott's stepdaughter got a walk-on role when a young actress called in sick."
The most famous son coming out of Monahans is probably singer/songwriter Guy Clark who earlier this year (May 17, 2016) passed away 75 years old. His grandma used to own a motel and his "Desperados Waiting For A Train" is an ode to drifter Jack, who was also his grandma's boyfriend.
I need to go back and stay there for a couple of days and let that West Texas feeling sink in and shot some more - just driving through the oasis didn't cut it.

My photography is available through Dispatch Press Images for publication, or through me for personal use.
Sources:; YouTube,, DPI
Updated 12/2020 - replaced two dead video links
But the boom didn't come early enough, the Sunset Motel is a casualty and only a decaying rusting sign being a reminder that old US Route 80 once ran through the "oasis". By now the stretch through town is called Business Loop I-20 or simply Sealy Avenue. Calling it a loop is kinda funny, as I-20 is looping around Monahans to the south.
By the end of 1992, the motel was still open for business, even Hollywood thought of it as a fine location and used it in the movie "Flesh & Bone" with Dennis Quaid, Meg Ryan, James Caan, and Gwyneth Paltrow. IMDb knows that the hotel was then "owned and operated by Doris Barker. Daughter Jeanie Barker Scott's stepdaughter got a walk-on role when a young actress called in sick."
The most famous son coming out of Monahans is probably singer/songwriter Guy Clark who earlier this year (May 17, 2016) passed away 75 years old. His grandma used to own a motel and his "Desperados Waiting For A Train" is an ode to drifter Jack, who was also his grandma's boyfriend.
I need to go back and stay there for a couple of days and let that West Texas feeling sink in and shot some more - just driving through the oasis didn't cut it.

My photography is available through Dispatch Press Images for publication, or through me for personal use.
Sources:; YouTube,, DPI
Updated 12/2020 - replaced two dead video links
Monday, August 22, 2016
Downtown Dallas
Dallas has been in the news lately. I hope that the message of unity - even after the senseless killing of five police officers - shone through. Come to Dallas and enjoy this bustling megaplex in North Texas. Take a stroll downtown, visit Thanksgiving Square (above) and be prepared to change your view. Dallas has nothing to do with the TV show of the same name, which probably hurt this town more than actually reflecting the inclusiveness and diversity this city projects. Just wandering around you will find tons of great opportunities to shoot. Dallas is "a steel and concrete soul with a warm hearted love disguise" as it says in Jimmie Dale Gilmore's song "Have You Ever Seen Dallas From A DC-9 At Night?"
This shot and other photography of mine are available through Dispatch Press Images for publication.
Originally published at Downtown Dallas - Niume Photography Blog - on July 29th, 2016.
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Monahans, Texas is the self-proclaimed "Oasis of the West Texas Desert" according to the official website of this small West Tex...
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